CI VUOLE UN AMARO. Aspetti botanici, agronomici, fitochimici, farmacologici e sensoriali delle piante amare e dei loro prodotti
The Italian Society of Phytochemistry continues its traditional “Paolo Ceccherelli” School with a theme entirely dedicated to bitter plants.
The School will take place electronically in the afternoons of 26-27-28 May 2021 (ZOOM platform) and will have as its subject the bitter plants that will be treated in every aspect: from cultivation to their use in the production of beverages, liqueurs, spirits, passing through the extraction and analysis of the chemical components up to the sensory aspects related to the perception of the taste of the bitter, the pharmacological and food implications related to this taste. The real protagonists of all these aspects will not be overlooked: the bitter natural compounds, their characteristics and analytical techniques.
As always, the School offers young researchers the opportunity to participate in the "Youth Gym" session with interventions on topics related to their current scientific research even if not related to the topic
of the school.
The school program will be divided into three afternoons in which three speakers for each session will intervene interspersed with two reports by the young gymnasium participants.
To find out more, download the pdf by clicking here